Month: November 2022

Fall Arts and Craft Show

Fall Arts and Craft Show

The best local artists, artisans and hand crafted designs all under one roof. Fun for the entire family. Free Parking, Good food, lots of shopping! Admission $3 (12 yrs and under free)



Nunsense! is a musical comedy. Five of the 19 surviving Little Sisters of Hoboken, a one-time missionary order that ran a leper colony on an island south of France, discover that their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God, accidentally killed the other fifty-two residents of the convent with her tainted vichyssoise while they were off playing bingo with a group of Maryknolls. The entertainment that they present includes solo star turns, madcap dance routines, and much more!

The Mosby Foundation 5K

The Mosby Foundation 5K

Walk your dog with us on November 5th! We will have coffee and donuts to enjoy after your run/walk. Yum! Fundraise and win prizes from local merchants!

Gaelic Storm at Wayne Theatre

Gaelic Storm at Wayne Theatre

It’s hard to imagine a band just coming into their own after 20 years of success, but that’s exactly what makes a true anomaly. This multi-national, Celtic juggernaut grows stronger with each live performance, and as you can imagine, after two decades and over 2000 shows, it is a true force to be reckoned with. With their latest release, Go Climb a Tree, their music has never sounded more representative of themselves as musicians and as live performers.

Music in the Taproom w/ Eric Cope & Abigail Wagner

Music in the Taproom w/ Eric Cope & Abigail Wagner

Join us for Music in the Taproom w/ Eric Cope & Abigail Wagner!

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