WQSV Profile:

How did you come to be involved with WQSV? And how long have you been involved?
It was Bayou Bob who got me involved with the station. He featured me as a guest curator a few times on his show back in 2019. Tom DuMontier, the station manager at the time, was impressed with what he heard and offered me my own show. I started off with a Thursday afternoon spot from 2-4pm. It was later decided that the show was more suited for the evening crowd and it was moved to Wednesday nights 7-9pm.
When did you start DJing? Are there any DJs who influenced you? Or something/someone else who influenced you?
I was one of the many mix-tape guys of the 1980’s. I used to make hours of tapes for all our parties. I didn’t really start actually DJ-ing parties till the 90’s and it was really just for fun not as a profession. As far as major DJs go – I once saw Grandmaster Flash perform with the Furious Five. That guy blew my mind.
Talk about your connection to music/the role music plays in your life?
I didn’t really have much talent as a musician. Couldn’t sing but could scream like a wounded vulture. Yet I knew I wanted to do something involving music – so I joined a few punk bands during my high school and college years. I also worked in a record store during the 80’s as well as directed a few music videos for local rock bands in New Orleans.
Describe your show.
I try to play alternative music – both new and old – from all over the world. Everything from extreme metal to sugar-blasted indie pop. I recently started doing the occasional afterhours pop-up show from 11:00 to 12:00 Wednesday nights where I don’t have to keep an eye (ear) out for explicit language.
Who are some of your favorite musicians and why?
Everything stems from David Bowie. He was a game changer.
What is your first memory involving music?
One Christmas when I was two years old, my parents gave me one of those Fisher-Price plastic record players along with two 45s. One was The Beatles: I Am The Walrus / Hello Goodbye, the other was The Monkeys: Here We Come / Last Train To Clarksville. Pretty sure I wore those suckers out.
What was the first concert you attended?
Well this is somewhat embarrassing but I believe it was The Knack – My Sharona!
How do you go about building your show?
I pick a song to open the show with and build from there. Pretty much just go with the flow and try not to stay attached to one kind of genre for too long.
Do you have any particular criteria when selecting music for your show?
I like to include new releases along with some old favorites in every show.