WQSV Profile:
Theresa Hoffman

How did you come to be involved with WQSV? And how long have you been involved?
I was introduced to the station by former board member, Julie. I have been on the board since 2017.
When did you start DJing? Are there any DJs who influenced you? Or something/someone else who influenced you?
My first time as a DJ was in college at Marshall University at WMUL 88.1. My main influence as a DJ was my older brother, Butch. I even followed him off to Marshall to pursue a degree in Broadcast Journalism.
Talk about your connection to music/the role music plays in your life?
I can find a song for anything I am going through. I have always found great comfort in music, it has a way of making a person feel less alone when going through a difficult time.
Describe your show.
I do a theme show with my best friend, Lisa. We pick a different topic each week and let our goofy brains lead the way!
Who are some of your favorite musicians and why?
This is such a difficult question! I have too many favorites. I have loved Johnny Cash and Elvis for as long as I can remember. I named my dog after Lars from the band Rancid. Tom Petty always makes my heart happy. Seriously, too many favorites!
What is your first memory involving music?
I don’t know if I have any memory that doesn’t involve music. Music was always on in our house. Our days started with one of our parents singing along to the radio making breakfast. Sunday car rides listening to the radio with my parents are some of my favorite memories.
What was the first concert you attended?
Warped Tour – first band of the day was Jimmy Eat World.
How do you go about building your show?
We choose a different theme every week and build the show around that.
Do you have any particular criteria when selecting music for your show?
Whatever fits our theme for the week!