Program Schedule and Archive Player

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Did you miss one of your favorite shows on WQSV? With support from Spinitron, we now offer a web player (above) that archives our online stream and can play back any hour of the past two weeks of programming. Simply select the date and time, click on the “Play” button, and your selected hour will begin streaming. (Note: If you navigate away from this page, the stream will stop.)

How do I find the list of songs from the hour that I selected?
An archive of our past playlists can be found through our station page on Spinitron.

Why didn’t my selected show start exactly on time?
The player begins streaming the exact start of the selected hour. It is likely that the first song/voiceover/etc. will either be slightly early or late, depending on the programming during the previous hour.

Why can’t I skip around the hour I selected?
The archive stream must be non-interactive; otherwise the live stream won’t qualify for our statutory webcast service.

How can I listen to an older show that aired more than two weeks ago?
The archive only stores up to two weeks’ worth of streams from the current day and hour.

Program Schedule

7:00 AMJazzGlobal VillageModern JetsetGlobal VillageModern JetsetGlobal VillageBill Smedley's Old Time Music Hour (7-8 AM)
8:00 AMJazzAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingValley Libraries Radio Reference (8 AM)

AAA Programming
AAA ProgrammingValley Libraries Radio Reference (8 AM)

Psychedelic Psixties Psunburst (8-10 AM)
Bluegrass Morning with Bluegrass Chuck (8-10 AM)
9:00 AMJazzAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingPsychedelic Psixties PsunburstBluegrass Morning
10:00 AMJazzAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingUp on the Attic with Commander J (10 AM-12 PM)Cashin’ Out (10-10:30 AM)
11:00 AMJazzAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingUp in the AtticIn the Pocket with John Yarbrough (11 AM-12 PM)
12:00 PMMundo de Amanhã (Brazilian music) (12-1 PM)The Soul Power Lunch Hour (12-1 PM)The Soul Power Lunch Hour (12-1 PM)The Soul Power Lunch Hour (12-1 PM)The Soul Power Lunch Hour (12-1 PM)The Soul Power Lunch Hour (12-1 PM)The Grateful Dead Lunch Bucket with Q (12-2 PM)
1:00 PMCartes Postales with Joelle Aaslestad (1-1:30 PM)AAA ProgrammingWeekly Arts & Events Calendar (1 PM)AAA ProgrammingWeekly Arts & Events Calendar (1 PM)The Horseshoe Lounge with Daniel Lee (1-3 PM)The Grateful Dead Lunch Bucket
2:00 PMAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingThe Horseshoe LoungeAAA Programming
3:00 PMAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingThe Cavern with Carter Cassidy (3-5 PM)Reggae and DubCrusin' the Decades with Brad Savage (3-4 PM)
4:00 PMWhole Yachtta Love (4-5 PM)Heifetz on Air with Benjamin Roe (4-5 PM)AAA ProgrammingAAA ProgrammingThe CavernReggae and DubMagic Moments with Coley Evans (4-6 PM)
5:00 PMA Glance Into the Abyss with Joe Wislar (5-6 PM)Native America (5-6 PM)AAA ProgrammingWeekly Arts & Events Calendar (5 PM)Valley Libraries Radio Reference (5 PM)Weekly Arts & Events Calendar (5 PM)
Out of the Crate (5-6 PM)
Magic Moments
6:00 PMThe Esas (6-8 PM)AAA ProgrammingThe Glow Power Hour with Big Pappy Turtleneck (6-7 PM)Cartes Postales with Joelle Aaslestad (6-6:30 PM)AAA ProgrammingThe Underground with Steve Brotzman (6-8 PM)Saturday Night Oldies with JB Stevens (6 PM-Midnight)
7:00 PMThe EsasWinelight Jazz with Don Hawks (7-10 PM)Astral Traveling with Ben Leonard (7-9 PM)The Hugo Show (7-9 PM)The Ruse with Randy Ruse (7-8 PM)The UndergroundOldies
8:00 PMAAA ProgrammingWinelight JazzAstral TravelingThe Hugo ShowThursday Blues (8-10 PM)The Groove Coaster with Rex Flynn (8-10 PM)Oldies
9:00 PMAAA ProgrammingWinelight JazzElectronicName That Show with Drl (9 PM-Midnight)Thursday BluesThe Groove CoasterOldies
10:00 PMDepartures (10 PM-Midnight)Smooth Jazz Classics (10 PM-Midnight)ElectronicName That ShowEighties Club Hits (10 PM-Midnight)The Connection (10 PM-Midnight)Oldies
11:00 PMDeparturesSmooth Jazz ClassicsElectronicName That ShowEighties Club HitsThe ConnectionOldies